Most Accessed Articles
Sleep Disturbance: Impact on Psychiatric Disorders
Ensar Demir, Merve Nur Sevinç, Oytun Erbaş
N-Methyl D-Aspartic Acid Receptors: An Overview
Dilek Daşdelen, Aylin Kayaaltı, İlknur Altuntaş, Oytun Erbaş
The Effects of Metabolic Syndrome on Psychiatric Disorders
Elif Şentürk, Hadi Sasani, Berzah Güneş, Oytun Erbaş
Human Prefrontal Cortex: Regions and Functions
Ece Sarı, Oytun Erbaş
The Immune-Inflammatory Responses in the Elderly
Merve Arı, Mehtap Odabaşı, Oytun Erbaş
Is Alpha-Lipoic Acid Effective in the Treatment of Obesity?
Saadet Pilten Güzel, Mahmut Sasani, Oytun Erbaş
The Role of Serotonin in Breast Cancer
Büşra Nur Barmanbay, İlknur Altuntaş, Oytun Erbaş
Bioinformatics Approaches to Cancer Research
Semanur Ataş, Gizem Demir, Mazhar Özkan, Oytun Erbaş
Mental Health Disorders Associated with Bartonella spp. and Toxoplasma gondii
Kerem Can Tunç,Oytun Erbaş
Avocatin B: Its Role in Cancer and Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
Aslı Melike Ekmekçi,Arzu Kasabalı, Oytun Erbaş
Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Medicine
Ejder Saylav Bora
Astrogliosis: Glial Perspective of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Fatma Sabukazan, Oytun Erbaş
Nootropics as Cognitive Enhancers: Pharmacological Properties and Therapeutic Use
Güler Dilara Solmaz, Oytun Erbaş
An Overview of Antipsychotics: Mechanisms of Action
Öznur Demirci, İrem Adar, Oytun Erbaş
Prenatal Auditory Stimulation and Its Significance for Newborns
Ayşe Kevser Yetkin, Berzah Güneş, Oytun Erbaş
Cellular Response to Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress: Focus on XBP, elF2, ATF4, and CHOP
Sinem Adalı, Oytun Erbaş
Heavy Metal Toxicity: A Potential Risk Factor for Autism
Zehra Akdağ, Oytun Erbaş
Stem Cells in Dermatology and Anti-Aging Care of the Skin
Cengizhan Zerzevatcı, Raziye Beyza Kılıçoğlu, Mine Ceren Akbulut, Oytun Erbaş
Stem Cells and Ethics
Rama Alomar, Oytun Erbaş
Solanine Poisoning: Effects, Risks, and Management Strategies
Mine Karaca, Oytun Erbaş