Editor-in-Chief: Oytun Erbas

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The Journal of Experimental and Basic Medical Sciences was founded to publish medical basic and experimental studies. It also includes medical clinical research.

The most important task of the basic sciences is to know normal physiology and explain the pathophysiological mechanisms and the mechanism of diseases. If the mechanism of the diseases is well explained, the selection of the treatment (surgery, medicine, etc.) necessary to restore the patient's organism to normal condition becomes easier. In this context, our journal includes studies on disease mechanisms, drug, chemical, toxicology, experimental studies, human and animal studies. Our journal is published in three issues each year (April, August and December).

Stem Cells: General Features and Characteristics

Yeliz Göçer, Oytun Erbaş

Stem Cell Production: Processes, Practices, and Regulation

Ece Kaya, Oytun Erbaş

Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Büşra Nur Barmanbay, Oytun Erbaş

Exosomes and Microvesicles

Dildar Savcı, Gamze Işık, Saliha Hızlıok, Oytun Erbaş

Organoid Systems

Sıdıka Açıkgöz, Oytun Erbaş

Revolutionizing Health Technologies: The Transformative Power of Stem Cells

Tutku Özaydın, Kerem Can Tunç, Oytun Erbaş

Non-coding RNAs in Stem Cell

Perihan Yiğit, Oytun Erbaş

Somatic Stem Cell Therapies

Alper Demirezen, Oytun Erbaş

Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes Treatment

Aslı Melike Ekmekçi, Mai Abusalim, Oytun Erbaş

Stem Cell Applications: A Promising Future for Autoimmune Diseases?

Öznur Safgöl, Oytun Erbaş

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