Journal of Experimental and Basic Medical Sciences
Editor-in-Chief: Oytun Erbas
The Journal of Experimental and Basic Medical Sciences was founded to publish medical basic and experimental studies. It also includes medical clinical research.
The most important task of the basic sciences is to know normal physiology and explain the pathophysiological mechanisms and the mechanism of diseases. If the mechanism of the diseases is well explained, the selection of the treatment (surgery, medicine, etc.) necessary to restore the patient's organism to normal condition becomes easier. In this context, our journal includes studies on disease mechanisms, drug, chemical, toxicology, experimental studies, human and animal studies. Our journal is published in three issues each year (April, August and December).
Intranasal Therapeutics for Alzheimer's Disease
Ayşe Beyza İlhan, Oytun Erbaş
HERG1 and Cancer: Exploring the Nexus Between Ion Channels and Tumorigenesis
Alper Demirezen, Oytun Erbaş
The Role of STAT3 in Cancer Development and Progression
Gökçen Kılınç, Oytun Erbaş
Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors in Cancer Treatment
Şule Demirkasaoğlu, Oytun Erbaş
The Role of the PINK1-Parkin Pathway in Mitophagy and Its Implications in Neurodegenerative Disorders
Tuğba Sever, Oytun Erbaş
Solanine Poisoning: Effects, Risks, and Management Strategies
Mine Karaca, Oytun Erbaş
Effects of Human Genetic Factors (Ethnicity and Race) on Clinical Severity of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
İbrahim Gökçe, Kader Aydemir, Serhat Ayan, İlknur Altuntaş, Oytun Erbaş
An Overview of Antipsychotics: Mechanisms of Action
Öznur Demirci, İrem Adar, Oytun Erbaş
Marie Antoinette Syndrome
Ahmetcan Kurt, Fehmi Balandi, Oytun Erbaş
N-Methyl D-Aspartic Acid Receptors: An Overview
Dilek Daşdelen, Aylin Kayaaltı, İlknur Altuntaş, Oytun Erbaş
Nootropics as Cognitive Enhancers: Pharmacological Properties and Therapeutic Use
Güler Dilara Solmaz, Oytun Erbaş
Nutrition Effect on Autism Spectrum Disorders
Büşra Burcu Rodop, Esin Başkaya, İlknur Altuntaş, Oytun Erbaş
Gluten and Casein: Their Roles in Psychiatric Disorders
Ayşegül Şimal Ulaş, Arzu Çakır, , Oytun Erbaş
Serotonin Receptors and Depression
Yaren Kayabaşı, Berzah Güneş, Oytun Erbaş
Psychopathology of Cyberbullying and Internet Trolling
Alkın Aydın, Begüm Arda, Berzah Güneş, Oytun Erbaş