Probiotic Effect of Pets on Humans
Serhat Ayan1, Merve Nur Sevinç1
, Oytun Erbaş1
1ERBAS Institute of Experimental Medicine, Illinois, USA & Gebze, Turkey
Keywords: Microbiota, microflora, pet, probiotic
In today's world, the animal-human connection, which began with hunting in the past, has evolved into friendship and animal companionship. People's interest in pets has gradually increased. Cats and dogs are the leading animal species that people are mostly interested in keeping. People spend time with their pets and receive oral and fecal bacteria that are the natural flora of animals. Although some of these bacteria have a negative effect on human health, some are thought to have a probiotic effect on people. In this review, detailed information about the probiotic effect of pets on humans was discussed.
Cite this article as: Ayan S, Sevinç MN, Erbaş O. Probiotic Effect of Pets on Humans. JEB Med Sci 2021;2(3):441-445.
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