Zehra Betül Aydın1, Oytun Erbaş1

1ERBAS Institute of Experimental Medicine, Illinois, USA & Gebze, Türkiye

Keywords: Bioactive compounds, cancer incidence, cancer prevention, coffee.


Coffee is the most widely drank beverage in the planet. It is also traditional and has the ability to modify its composition degree depending on where and how it is prepared as a country. Traditionally, each country employs a particular way of preparing coffee. Coffee is the most consumed beverage, and it has been investigated to compound due to the therapeutic effect of coffee as a chemoprevention on many diseases such as stomach cancer, breast cancer, liver diseases, and many disorders such as neuron degeneration. On the other hand, numerous research have found that coffee has a deleterious impact. The composition of coffee, the ratio of bioactive chemicals depending on preparation conditions, the pre-harvesting and post-harvesting period, and the roasting degree are all taken into account in this review. These distinctions in coffee components are investigated on organs and cells that would be either preventative as antioxidant characteristics of coffee or disease-causing agents.

Cite this article as: Aydın ZB, Erbaş O. Coffee Intake and Cancer Risk: Exploring the Relationship. JEB Med Sci 2024;5(2):194-198.

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