Raziye Beyza Kılıçoğlu1, Cengizhan Zerzevatcı1, Aylin Kayaaltı1, Oytun Erbaş1

1ERBAS Institute of Experimental Medicine, Illinois, USA & Gebze, Türkiye

Keywords: Chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, energy low, inflammation, weakness


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is serious, a long-term disorder with a heterogeneous character that can be diagnosed based on clinical foundations or its symptoms. The cause or factors that lead to this condition, which lowers the patient's quality of life, cannot be fully determined, and there is no specific diagnosis. It has some triggering factors. In addition to drug therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, sleep therapy, exercise therapy, and nutrition also contribute to the treatment of the condition. In this review, the causes of CFS were examined.

Cite this article as: Kılıçoğlu RB, Zerzevatcı C, Kayaaltı A, Erbaş O. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Risk Factors and Treatment Recommendations. JEB Med Sci 2023;4(1):71-75.

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The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.

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