Cow’s Milk and Autoimmunity

Büşra Burcu Rodop, Ece Sarı, Oytun Erbaş

DOI: 10.5606/jebms.2021.75671

Issue: 2021, Volume 2 - Issue 3
1276 652

The Immune-Inflammatory Responses in the Elderly

Merve Arı, Mehtap Odabaşı, Oytun Erbaş

DOI: 10.5606/jebms.2022.1021

Issue: 2022, Volume 3 - Issue 2
933 675

Progress in the Development of Immunotherapies for Substance Use Disorders

Ahmet Cesur, Oytun Erbaş

DOI: 10.5606/jebms.2023.1049

Issue: 2023, Volume 4 - Issue 2
573 459