Güner Yaman1, Nilsu Çini2, İlknur Altuntaş1, Oytun Erbaş1,3

1ERBAS Institute of Experimental Medicine, Illinois, USA & Gebze, Turkey
2Kartal City Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology, Istanbul, Turkey
3Department of Physiology, Medical Faculty of Demiroğlu Bilim University, Istanbul, Turkey

Keywords: Cancer, CRISPR, CRISPR/CAS9, drug development, oncology, treatment.


Today, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world after cardiovascular disease. When the carcinogenesis formation processes are examined, we consider that many theories are trying to explain this. These theories vary widely in terms of both origin and predisposing causes in terms of genetic, epigenetic, immune system origin or monoclonal antibody theory. Starting from the DNA damage in the division stage of the cell, the mutated cell's escape from apoptosis, gaining unlimited proliferation capability with telomerase activity, angiogenesis ability, metastasis, invasion, escape from tumor suppressor genes, managing tumor microenvironment, tumor progression, and heterogeneity features is a multi-parameter complex equation. While trying to explain the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, many unknown pathways and biomarkers also emerge. Clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated9 (CRISPR/CAS9) technology for cancer biology has the potential to respond to many unknowns at the cellular and genetic level. With this article, we aimed to predict the promise of CRISPR/CAS9 technology in the field of oncology.

Cite this article as: Yaman G, Çini N, Altuntaş İ, Erbaş O. What Does CRISPR Technology Provide to Cancer Treatments? JEB Med Sci 2021;2(1):41-49.

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The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.

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