Alper Demirezen1, Oytun Erbaş1

1ERBAS Institute of Experimental Medicine, Illinois, USA & Gebze, Türkiye

Keywords: Cancer, immunotherapy, metastasis, treatment


Metastatic cancer is a stage where cancer cells from the primary site have spread to other parts of the body, and treatment options may be limited. However, immunotherapy is a promising treatment approach for this condition. Immunotherapy is a treatment modality that stimulates the immune system to fight against cancer cells, thereby aiming to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In recent years, new immunotherapies used in the treatment of metastatic cancer have been developed. These new immunotherapies are performed using drugs that target the checkpoints on the immune system and aim to prevent the mechanisms by which cancer cells disable the immune system. In this way, the immune system attacks cancer cells and tries to eliminate them. It has been observed that new immunotherapies have shown positive results in patients with metastatic cancer. However, the efficacy and side effects may vary for each patient. Immunotherapy can sometimes lead to excessive immune reactions and cause side effects such as inflammation. However, the potential benefits of immunotherapy justify overcoming these side effects. New immunotherapy treatments hold promise for patients with metastatic cancer. However, it is important to make treatment choices based on individual cases and to closely collaborate with healthcare professionals. The development and optimization of new immunotherapies can support advancements in the treatment of metastatic cancer and enhance patients' quality of life. In this review, cancer and metastasis followed by cancer types and cancer treatments are explained. New methods of immunotherapy, one of the types of cancer treatment, are also explained.

Cite this article as: Demirezen A, Erbaş O. Emerging Immunotherapeutic Approaches for Managing Metastasis. JEB Med Sci 2023;4(2):81-95.

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The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.

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